Parasparam Story: Parasparam story revolves around the struggles of Deepthi, a civil service aspirant. Sooraj, a loving husband and a self-made man from a traditional family helps his ambitious wife Deepthi achieve her dreams of becoming an IPS officer. Padmavathi, the mother in law is a commanding woman, who controls the family in a strict manner. Though the taste and style of this heavenly couple are anchored in different poles, there is love, which binds their worlds together. Deepthi clears the exams, and becomes a powerful IPS officer. Asianet Malayalam Serial Parasparam 15 January 2018 Episode, Parasparam 16 January 2018 Episode, Parasparam 17 January 2018 Episode, Parasparam 18 January 2018 Episode, Parasparam 19 January 2018 Episode, Parasparam 20 January 2018 Episode Online.
Vanambadi Story: Vanambadi is a Malayalam drama on Asianet. Anugraha's passion for music knows no bounds. But her mother Nandini doesn't support her because her husband, renowned singer Mohan Kumar, abandoned them because of his singing.
So will Anugraha still follow her heart? Vanambadi is the heart-rendering story of a little girl whose passion for music knows no bounds. Amidst all the suffering and pain in life, her only consolation is singing. It will be the first time in the history of Malayalam television, a musical serial is conceived.
From the turbulent life of the protagonist to the related characters, there is music at the core of the story. It is their troubled relationships that long for a refuge from the conflicts. Some find it through wealth while some through music. It is their story from the viewpoint of a little girl blessed with an angelic voice. Watch latest full episodes of Vanambadi on Premium at 6PM IST same day as telecast and for Free from 11AM IST day after telecast only on Hotstar.
Produced By: Renjith, Direction: Adithyan, Banner: Rejaputhra Visual Media Asianet Malayalam Serial Vanambadi 15 January 2018 Episode, Vanambadi 16 January 2018 Episode, Vanambadi 17 January 2018 Episode, Vanambadi 18 January 2018 Episode, Vanambadi 19 January 2018 Episode, Vanambadi 20 January 2018 Episode Hotstar videos online.