I regressed a little there, but now back to your question. You can learn the very basics of astrology in a eight to twelve week class. You will learn such things as: The basic structure of the horoscope and the sky as viewed from earth such as the great circles, the celestial equator, longitude, latitude, etc. Learn Astrology. You can choose your area of interest like Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry, Tarot, Feng shui and Vastu etc. If you are a beginner we shall give you basic information on the subject of your choice, if advanced we shall cater to your advanced need too. For an expert also we have research level courses in Astrology, Numerology.
Online Astrology Learning Hub. Whether you’re looking for detailed advanced strategies, a simple breakdown of themes and subjects tips for getting started, or to quickly grow your understanding of zodiac specifics like natal charts, ascendants, this is your hub to learn Astrology knowledge.